Terminal Face of the Fox Glacier Then the Rain Started... At the terminal face Waterfalls around the area River heading away from the glacier, more on this later Climbing up the mountain beside the glacier on the guides "Secret Track" Almost to where we can safely climb on the glacier Jim and Jenn about to climb on the Glacier, soaked in some of the 8 inches that fell while we were here Making our way up Walking on the glacier Each band you see on the glacier represents snowfalls that have occurred up in the mountains thousands of years ago. Fox glacier is getting larger every year, which makes it even more specail Looking out through the valley Looking up to the mountains. The Glacier is 13 km's long and the equivalent of a 50 storey apartment building in height, it wasn't an easy climb Making our way back down This photo and shows another group heading up the glacier, it gives you a good perspective on the immensity of Fox Glacier You can see another group heading up the glacier in this photo Heading back to the Car Park, little did we know.... One last look back to the glacier ...8 inches of rain + small creek + Mountain Valley = River Crossing Jim, Jenn and Alayna safely make it across with the help of the guides
Traveling through the Southern Alps on the TranzAlpine Scenic train has been rated one of the top ten trains in the world! The scenery here is unbelievable. The train runs Greymouth on the west coast traveling through the alps and then across the Canterbury Plains to Christchurch. Cows in the tall grass Our train was very long on this bend in the open air cart we could see it going over a viaduct and into a tunnel